
Welcome to Our New Blog

This blog is intended to be an alternative (or a parallel companion) to the Facebook group Campbells, Luggs & Blackwells of Nelson, PA.

It’s been 10 generations since Nelson was founded and we have about 1,000 cousins, many of whom are not aware of their connection. In this time of social isolation caused by the pandemic, it’s important to connect with extended family and “be there” for each other. Internet interactions may not be as good as a hug from a friend or relative, but they are free of COVID and possible with people all over the world that we would never have met face to face.

Hopefully this blog & its webpage will let many people discover that they are relatives and join our extended family. And, for those who already know they are related, it will add to the ways of interacting and provide additional ways of doing that. You may see icons the bottom of your post will let you share it to a social network such as Twitter or Facebook.

For those who are Facebook-phobic, this new blog can be an alternative to our existing Facebook group. Or, you can choose a dual membership – subscribing to the blog and joining our Facebook group. The latter has years of posts and many, many old photos. Uually I will make the same posts to both.

Anyone on Facebook can read our group’s posts and comments, but only group members could post, comment, or “Like.” Anyone on the Internet can read this blog and comment on its posts, but you’ll need to subscribe (it’s free) if you want to be notified by email of new posts. And, at lest for now, an admin will have to grant permission before you can post. You can request that via our “Contact Us” form link at the top of the page,

If you are related, welcome and start participating. If you’re not sure, if you’re related fill out our contact form give us some data (preferably your grandparents’ names and where they lived and we will check it out for you.

There’s nothing we love more than hearing from “new” cousins. Subscribe, and let us know about you, your interests, or your questions.