
Campbell – Lugg – Blackwell Connections

There have been many intermarriages between these three families from the early 1800s till now. But let’s take a look at the earliest ones.

Diagram of early intermarriages among our Campbells, Luggs and Blackwells.
Earliest intermarriages among our Campbell, Lugg and Blackwell families

On the left you will see two brothers, Joseph1 Campbell and John Campbell came to Pennsylvania from Scotland. The elder brother Joseph, and his wife, the former Mary Harper and their younger children (including sons Joseph2 and James Campbell) came in 1810 and settled in Tioga Co., PA at a location known as Beecher’s Island, becoming the first permanent residents of that community, later renamed Nelson.

Earlier, in 1805, Thomas Clinch, his wife, the former Sarah Lugg, and their infant daughter, Ann Clinch, came from Avening, Gloucestershire, England to Philadelphia on board the same ship as widower Enoch1 Blackwell, his children and several of his siblings and their children. Shortly after arriving, Thomas Clinch died and his widow soon married her former neighbor, Enoch Blackwell. Sarah and Enoch had two children, Mary Blackwell and Enoch2 Blackwell.

In 1822 Sarah’s elder daughter, Ann Clinch, married Sarah’s nephew by marriage, Joseph2 Campbell. Sarah’s younger daughter, Mary Blackwell, married James Campbell, brother of Joseph2.

In the 1830s Sarah’s younger brother, Charles B. Lugg and his family emigrated from Gloucestershire to Nelson. In 1867, Charles daughter, Carolyn Lugg, became the 2nd wife off her 1st cousin, Enoch2 Blackwell.

2 thoughts on “Campbell – Lugg – Blackwell Connections

  1. I’m going to redo the chart. Fix a typo, enlarge the text box below, and try to fix the colors, which are supposedly red, blue & Green.

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