
Reunion Planning

I’m “Back in the Saddle Again” after bouts with what apparently was Omicron followed by “long COVID.” It hasn’t disappeared, but I’m now functional.

And high on my list of priorities are planning and preparations for our Aug. 6th, 2022 Campbell Reunion, once again via ZOOM. Having a VP would help, if you have any suggestions, please email or private message me.

To help get you in the mood, I hope to add new webpages about past reunions. I’m also hopeful that some Blackwells join us from England. 1 PM here is 6 pm there. I’m also hopeful that I can reestablish contact with our Clinch Cousins in England and get their participation.

Peter Clinch Essex is mentioned in the minutes of many of the Campbell Reunions, we have lots of pictures of his family, a letter from one of his daughters is on our website, and I met one of his sons several times and corresponded with him. Joseph W. Buck and his daughter, Cornelia BUCK Key met Peter’s descendants in London, and I corresponded with some, but lost touch. I plan to make several posts about Peter Essex descendants and hope people searching on the web for him or his family will find us.

How We Connect. As many of you know, Joseph and Mary Harper Campbell had 8 children, the 6th of them, also named Joseph Campbell, married Ann Clinch, and many in this group are their descendants. Ann Clinch’s father, Thomas Clinch, was Sarah LUGG Clinch Blackwell Campbell’s first husband. Thomas Clinch was the 2nd of 8 children of John & Elizabeth Lucas Clinch. John & Elizabeth’s youngest child, Mary Clinch (1799 – 1867) stayed in touch with her niece, Ann. Mary Clinch married an innkeeper, Richard Essex, When I visited Avening I drove past his inn, which is still in business, but didn’t have time to go in. Richard and Mary had just one child, Peter Clinch Essex (1842 – 1916)

Here’s a letter from Peter’s daughter Mabel to my aunt, Inez HOYT Boller. https://campbellluggblackwell.com/LtrMabelMaryEssex18851015.html
