
Cotswolds & America (Part 14). [Originally Published Aug. 30, 2021]

1804 was a big year.

On 1/27/1804, in Avenng, Gloucestershire, Ann Clinch is born to Thomas & Sarah Lugg Clinch.

On 3/26/1804, the northernmost part of PA’s Lycoming Co — Tioga Twp. — is split off and becomes Tioga Co., PA.

We don’t know the exact date, but probably early in 1804, Bristol England’s “adventurer cleric”, Rev. John Hey forms an investment company and starts selling shares. He plans to use the money to buy cheap land in Pennsylvania’s wilderness which will then be divided into parcels and sold to settlers, for them to clear and farm. The investors appoint John “Gentleman” Blackwell’s son Joshua to accompany Rev. Hey and assist with the project. Rev. Hey also starts recruiting potential settlers. He finds some investors and also some potential settlers. Among his recruits are several families from Avening. Joshua’s older brother, Enoch Blackwell is recruited as both an investor and as a future settler.

4/2/1804 – Joshua Blackwell, his 10 yr. old nephew, Wm. Blackwell, Rev. John Hey, his wife, Ann, and daughter Amelia Hey, sail from Bristol on the Cornelia.

5/17/1804 – The Cornelia lands in Philadelphia and its passengers disembark.

Summer of 1804. Rev. Hey preaches at many Philadelphia Baptist & Presbyterian pulpits and becomes very popular.

Sept. 1804. The Cornelia, which in the prior year had made two successful voyages to Londonderry, Ireland, sails for Bristol, but sinks before reaching England — which illustrates how dangerous crossing the North Atlantic was.

Oct. 1804. Inspired by the success of his summer guest appearances in Philadelphia pulpits, Rev. Hey decides to form a new congregation and kicks off a fundraising drive for building a new church.