
Be Ready to Make Nominations

This year’s Campbell Reunion is 2 weeks from today. Please join us then, invite your relatives, and please make some nominations. If you’ve been to previous reunions, think of the attendees and who might be good. Haven’t been to one — think of your relatives. Think about the folks that make posts or comments on our Facebook page or on our blog. Or who show some interest.

To nominate someone who is not attending the meeting, you need to get their permission beforehand. And nominating yourself is encouraged.

The current officers will be glad to show new officers the ropes. Below are the duties.

President: The President will preside at our reunions and all Executive Committee meetings and serve as the official representative of the Association and retain all official records of the Association.

Vice-president: The Vice-president will preside in the absence of the President. And will serve out the president’s term should the office become vacant.

Treasurer: The Treasurer will serve as custodian of the Association’s finances, collect revenue, pay any authorized expenses and hold all financial records.

Secretary: The Secretary will record minutes of the Executive Committee meetings and make these available to Members, help maintain contact information on members and help with correspondence.

The term is until the close of the following reunion (currently bi-annual).

See you on the 6th via ZOOM.