
Posting To This Blog

People (at least group members) have always been able to post to our group Facebook page. But while anone on the Internet can comment on our blog posts, they have no way to send posts to it.

As always, they can request that someone submit a post for them. Either by sending and email to Bill or Betsy; or, by using the “Contact Us” form on the webpage to ask us to post for you.

WordPress deliberately makes that process difficult, to protect readers from scammers, junk mail, pedophiles, etc. which is understandable. I’ve recently installed an app which makes the whole process somewhat less burdensome. In order to post to a WordPress blog, you have to register as a “Contributor,” be approved and then sign in when you wish to submit a post.

You can see that the menu at the top of the page has been changed. It now contains new options: “Log In,” “Register” and “Password Reset.”

People just reading our blogs or commenting on them shouldn’t be effected. But those who want to post — which we hope many of you will want to — now can use those options. Use “Register” to request approval to submit posts. And, once you’re notified that you’ve been approved, use “Log In” to access the posting function. The screen for that is a little more complex than Facebook’s interface, but fear not, we can hold your hand and help you get used to using it.

So sign up, Log In, and start posting your questions, experiences, knowledge, etc. with us.