
Chapter 4 of my memoir – Career(s)

I just published chapter 4 on our website. Much of it may be of general interest and evoke some smiles. Or even “Wow”s. Some of it gets into details that may only interest “data-holics.” I’ve tried to protect the rest of the readers from “too much information” by flagging such footnotes with “Nerd Allerts.”

If you are a nerd (as am I) you may find their details of significant interest. But if you’re a “non-nerd” you may want to just skip those footnotes entirely. Or skim them very quickly.

This chapter utilizes the “back-link” character, , to return you from the bottom of the footnote back to where you came from. Mary (Hughey) Prescott’s memoir and chapters 1 to 3 of this memoir, will be “retro-fitted” to use . And I expect to use it for footnotes on new webpages from now on. (It should help those who are visually impaired and use “screen readers” to listen to web pages.)

The remaining chapters may be of less interest to you Chapter 5, ‘Family” is well under way. It primarily focuses on my parents, siblings and wife, Mary. Chapter 6, “Who Is Who?,” will offer breif (mostly) commentaries on a number of relatives that I knew (or feel like I know) from my decades of research.

Perhaps it’s a delusional conceit. but I hope this memoir, and the thousand other web pages on this site, will be part of a legacy that I’m leaving to future generations.