
What’s A Simple Web Page Made Of? (part 3 of 3)

Congratulations to the hardt souls (if any), who have made it this far. You’re almost done!!!

The last 3 lines, circled in red, just show the ending of the scope of the <article>, <bidy> and <html> tags.

The lines enclosed in the blue rectangle supply the webpage’s page footer info., ‘Oblique‘ is similar to ‘italic.’ If anyone wants to know about the subtle diffeence between the two terms, askl in a comment.’

The lines within the yellow rectangle define the page’s menu area. ‘Nav‘ is short for ‘Navigation,’ and in this context, just means the menue area of the webpage. This menu just has two choices “Return Home” and “Documents Table of Contents.” Without gettng mired down in way too much detail, suffice it to say that <a … href=”…”> …</a> specifies a link. The text between the “> and the</a> is what appears on the screen. And that the portion between the double quotes specified the URL (web page address) to be linked to.

Super congratulations if you made it this far.