
Please Test This Webpage

I’m experimenting with ways to make our webpages work on a wide variety of devices with different screen sizes and shapes, different operating systems and different browsers.

This test page is an abbreviated version of one of the Campbell Cousin Correspondence Club letters, but with many paragraphs omitted for simplicity’s sake. Please take it for a test drive on your desktops, laptops, tablets, smartphones, wall TVs, or whatever. Try enlarging an shrinking the screen. And if on a smart phone, please try it in both the portrait and landscape positions and see how it changes. If you use screen readers, please try it that way.

See if it works for you. If you experience problems, please include information as to what you were testing it on.

BTW, the symbol ↵ is called “back-link” and takes you back to where you came from. Not a significant help in this case, but very helpful when dealing with long documents with many footnotes.

Thank you so much for your assistance.

It’s at https://campbellluggblackwell.com/ResponsiveCCCLetter_testc.html