
Incremental Progress Via Babysteps -Please Help Test

I have a “grand plan” in mind as to how I want our developed-from-now-on webpages to appear and behave. But I feel I need to progress in steps and not bite off more than I can chew at any step along the way. I’m feeling enough better that I’m back working on our webpages again.

If I’m sucessful, when someone views our new webpages from a cellphone with a small screen (such as some iPhones), the page will be displayed in a easily readable font, with characters the right size for them to read and lines spaced appropriately. If they have impaired vision, they will be able to double the size of the text. And if they view tha page on a larger screen, everything will adjust appropriately.

The pages will work correctly if tabbing instead of using a mouse. Or if read to you by a page reader. And they will accompdate those who are red-green of blue-yellow color blind.

i’ve made progress in that direction, but hope for some feedback as to how the changes so far work for you.

I have an updated version of a webpage for you to play with — https://www.campbellluggblackwell.com/CCCV4p058MaryHughey_JamesMeyer.html

At the moment, everyone sees the small-screen oriented design (or rather the portion of it ready to test now). Those of you using larger screen devices won’t see anything about touching pink squares. But for now, pretend you are using a small iPhone.

I’ve added a new note, in a box at the top of the screen. And, as you will see when you look at the second page of the letter, you’ll see the pink squared I mentioned. The squares need to be that big so that most users can not only see them, but will be able to touch them when using a small iPhone that has no mouse.

I added a second footnote to the letter and Immediately encountered a problem. The pink box overlays sine text. I solved that by making the pink square transparent enough that you can read the text underneath. My main alternative is to increase the line height so that the pink squares don’t overlay any text. Either way, the page looks somewhat weird, but it seemed to be that making the pink squares transparent was the lesser of two evils. If anyone thinks increasing the line height would be better, please speak up.

Please feel free to test it with whatever combination of software and hardware you’ve got — with or without mice; with touch screens or using the tab and enter keys; or with a page reader.

If you run into problems, please let me know.

Once I get the iPhone version of the page working properly, I’ll move on to having it adjust to other screen sizes and shapes.

Thanks for any help you can givel

3 thoughts on “Incremental Progress Via Babysteps -Please Help Test

  1. On my Samsung S22 Android phone, I had the same experience as Mary Lilley-Thompson.

    I would probably read this landscape style for the larger font when using my phone.

    Thanks so much for paying attention to these accessibility issues!

  2. I have an apple iPhone XR. When I held the phone upright, the pink boxes did overlap each other. But when I turned my phone to the side that didn’t happen.

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