
I’m Better

Creating that post about Peg Owlett Maines’ and Harold Owlett’s graduation felt good. It was my most ambitious post since I was hospitalized in May. Most of the conditions I was hospitalized for are chronic. so they need to be managed rather than cured. One of the symptoms is fatigue, so I haven’t been doing much. This week I’ll be having a couple of out-patient surgeries, which if successful, will eventually make me more comfortable. And I’m getting stronger, just having graduated from PT.

Today I resumed work on revising a web page. I want to make progress on the website while I’m able to. Which means I won’t allocate as much time to the blog as I used to. It would be good to have more of you posting to the blog.

It may be a week or two before I finish revising that webpage.. but watch for it here.