
An Interesting Link — David Cook Kemp

[I haven’t posted for a while, I’ve been recovering from an illness and a fall. It would be great if others posted, Please contact me if you’re interested.]

Tuesday, Nov. 7th (It’s election day, be sure to vote) will mark the 192nd birthday of David Cook Kemp 1831- 1929). He married a Campbell, Lugg, and Blackwell descendant; obviously is a connection to the Cooks, and his sister, Mary Helen Kemp (1834 – 1912) married Vernon Green(e) the widower of Emily CAMPBELL Green, sister of David’s wife.

David was the 2nd husband of Harriet CAMPBELL Parks Kemp. All of “our Kemps” are descendants of David and Harriet’s 7 children.

So, we’re talking about a “circle” of five people: sisters Emily CAMPBELL Green and Harriet CAMPBELL Parks Kemp; brother and sister David Cook Kemp and Mary KEMP Green; and the connecting link, Vernon Green(e), who first married Emily Campbell and then after her death, married Mary Kemp. Vernon and his family continued to attend the Campbell Reunions.

David served in Co, H, 297th Reg., PA Volunteer Infantry during the Civil War and was one of the longest-surviving veterans in the Nelson-Farmington area. He often was the oldest attendee at the Campbell Reunions. He submitted an affidavit in support of my great-grandfather, William Hoyt‘s, pension application.